Seabrook Purple Martin Project

In 2013 a pair of Purple Martins were found nesting in Seabrook, NH inside a small bird house. Purple Martin colonies are rare in NH so a few dedicated individuals got together to come up with a plan to provide a housing system for the Martins. In April 2014, a 6 gourd set up was installed in the salt marsh through cooperation with the Town of Seabrook, NH Audubon, and the Seacoast Chapter.

This project is still in the early stages but we are currently recruiting volunteers to help monitor the colony. Training dates are yet to be scheduled but interested participants should contact Dennis Skillman (, who is coordinating the project, and join the Seabrook Martin Google Group to stay updated.

Coming soon:

  1. Adopt a Gourd: Adopt one of our gourds to provide housing for Purple Martins in NH!

  2. More information on how to help!

  3. Field trips to discover more about this important project.