Birds & Butterflies of Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge - Saturday, July 20th  8 AM

Join Steve Mirick and explore the birds and butterflies (weather permitting!) of the refuge and adjacent areas.  Be prepared for a long, but level walk and the possibility of biting insects.  Meet at 8:00 AM at the trailhead for the Cherry Pond Trail at 289 Airport Road, Whitefield.  

This field trip will be limited to 20 participants. Please click on the link below to sign-up.


Seabrook Town Forest – Sunday August 11th 7:30 am

With diverse habitats of a large pond, mixed deciduous and coniferous woods, open fields, and shrubby thickets, the Seabrook Town Forest and Wellfield supports a wide variety of birds. Join trip leaders Ashton Almeida and Aidan Felch to explore this under-birded area. Meet by the gate at the end of Old New Boston Road at 7:30 am. Contact Ashton Almeida or Aidan Felch with any questions. 

This field trip will be limited to 15 participants. As the event nears, please revisit the Seacoast Chapter site to sign-up.

Coastal Shorebirds - Saturday August 31st  6:00 am


Join Ben Griffith for a trip along the New Hampshire Seacoast to look for shorebirds and coastal migrants.  Late August is a great time to familiarize yourself with the diversity of shorebirds that migrate from the Arctic along the North American Coastline.  This trip will be primarily car-based with limited walking along the beach.  We'll work our way north from Hampton to Rye stopping at various hotspots along the way.  Carpooling is encouraged as some places may have parking fees.  We'll meet at the Hampton Park and Ride on Timber Swamp Road at 6:00 am for an early start to beat the Labor Day weekend crowds.  

The trip is limited to 12 participants. As the event nears, please revisit the Seacoast Chapter site to sign-up.